Birth and Postpartum


During Birth

  • Physical and emotional support for you and your partner throughout labor

  • Monitoring of baby and mothers wellbeing

  • Intermittent fetal monitoring to allow for mobility

  • Comfort measures such as hydrotherapy, massage techniques, acupuncture, music, guided position changes, rebozo, and Nitrous Oxide, and more.  

  • Water birthing is a favorite of our birthing families

  • Body-led pushing in tub, in bed, on the birthing stool, in the shower, or squatting

  • Immediate skin to skin contact for mom and baby

  • Delayed-cord clamping

  • Care providers who know you, are experts in caring for mom and baby in the out-of-hospital setting and provide personalized care during your labor and birth. 


Postpartum and Newborn Care

For the first 4-6 hours, we focus on as much uninterrupted bonding time as possible and do not separate the baby, especially while doing skin-to-skin time, unless it’s emergent. There is no rushed period for babies to latch, allowing them to set the pace for laid-back breast/chestfeeding. Families are able to rest, eat and nap together. The first newborn exam done by the midwife is within your arms’ reach.

  • Routine medications are available with parental consent, (i.e. erythromycin eye ointment, and vitamin K)

  • Breastfeeding support 

  • Newborn physical exam


  • We provide watchful waiting and non-intervention in normal processes

  • Provide appropriate use of interventions and technology for current or potential health problems ie. IV fluids, IV antibiotics, Neonatal resuscitation, other medications

  • Consultation, collaboration and referral with other members of the health care team as needed to provide optimal health care with a seamless direct admit to local hospital with a collaborating Birth Center physician

24-48 hour postpartum visit and lactation visit including:

  • Newborn heart screening

  • Newborn hearing screen

  • Newborn metabolic screen

2 & 6 week in-center postpartum visits

  • 24/7 access to your midwives

  • In-house IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) for any feeding needs

  • In-house PMH-C (Perinatal Mental Health Certified specialist)


Why the Birth Center?

Most birthing parents are stable enough to check out about 4-6 hours after their birth.

View our Family Galleries for more pictures of births!