Site Information

 All information on this website is property of Fangman Designs ©2020 – 2021. All material at this website, such as images, markup, CSS, programming, TITLE tag content, META element tag content, and design, is ©2020 to Fangman Designs and may not be reproduced elsewhere in any way without our express written permission.

Website Design, and Development

This website was created, designed, and developed by Fangman Designs. Any inquiries about the website design of this website should be directed to

You can visit the Louisville design company online at Fangman Designs reserves the right to use this website in its web design portfolio.

Website Photography

All photography on this website is by:

Jessica Worland

Brittany Hogue

Etty Fidele, Toa Heftiba, Gian Cescon, Matheus Ferrero, Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash