Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Birth Center
The Birth Center of Bloomington-Normal is an independent freestanding birth center that focuses on health and wellness across an individual’s life span. The Birth Center utilizes the midwifery model of care by respecting and facilitating an individual’s right to make informed choices about their health and the health of their baby. We provide holistic family-centered care with an emphasis on wellness, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and breastfeeding. We also offer a variety of wellness services including annual exams, pap smears, pre-conception counseling, and contraceptive management.
Why are Birth Centers a growing trend?
The American Association of Birth Centers reports 384 birth centers established in 37 states since 1975. The Birth Center of Bloomington-Normal was the second freestanding birth center to open here in Illinois. Our center serves as an alternative to heavily institutionalized medical health care models. Birth Centers are an integrated part of the health care system and are guided by the principles of prevention, sensitivity, safety, appropriate medical intervention, and cost-effectiveness.
Is delivering in a Birth Center safe?
Research shows that birth centers have outcomes equal to or better than hospitals for low risk clients. There are over 30 countries with better Maternal and Newborn Morbidity and Mortality rates than the United States. These other countries also utilize midwives as primary health care providers for low risk clients. We accept low-risk clients, and if the need for a higher level of medical care should arise, our patients can transfer seamlessly to one of our local hospitals with one of our on-call collaborating obstetricians.
Is the Birth Center open 24/7?
Our clinic is open Monday-Thursday for scheduled appointments, but open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for birthing. The midwives are on-call and able to be reached through the office number for urgent needs and when a client is in labor. Education throughout the prenatal care prepares clients for signs of active labor and when to notify the midwife.
Am I an ideal candidate for a birth at the Birth Center of Bloomington Normal?
We welcome low risk pregnant individuals who are actively engaged in their own health and are committed to preparing for a low-intervention, un-medicated birthing experience. Each prospective client will be scheduled for a detailed risk assessment to determine any potential risks that may require a higher level of care and hospital delivery. Our certified nurse midwives will continue to assess for risk factors at each prenatal visit and will collaborate, refer and co-manage as needed with our collaborating physicians shall a potential risk arise.
What complications or risk factors make Birth Center Care inappropriate?
Here are some risk factors that make a client an inappropriate candidate for the birth center (this is not considered an exclusive list, other conditions/situations may occur that require the transfer of care).
Multiple Gestation (twins, triplets, etc.)
Preterm labor prior to 37 weeks gestation
Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)
Post-term Pregnancy: pregnancy beyond 42 weeks gestation
Polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios
Intrauterine Fetal Demise (IUFD)
Incompetent cervix
Placental complications including but are not limited to placenta previa or placental abruption
Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes Prior to the Onset of Labor (PPROM)
Ectopic Pregnancy
Gestational Diabetes requiring management with oral medication or insulin
Pre-existing Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes
Anemia unresponsive to treatment: hemoglobin levels below 9 despite iron therapy during the 3rd trimester
Syphilis (primary)
History of two or more C-sections
Pre-existing heart disease, renal pulmonary disease, seizure disorders
HIV Positive
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP)
Preeclampsia with or without severe features
Gestational Hypertension
Chronic Hypertension
Non-vertex presenting part (breech)
Please note there may be conditions during labor or postpartum that could develop and may necessitate the need for transfer of care to the hospital for medical management.
What is required of me to deliver at the Birth Center of Bloomington Normal?
An orientation/tour of the Birth Center is scheduled at the time of the first appointment. This can also be scheduled sooner as a separate appointment if elected.
Prior to scheduling your first appointment, your health history and client portal must be complete. Upon inquiry, we will email you a link to our client portal.
Starting Jan 1, 2022, there is a non-refundable $200 registration fee to schedule your first appointment. This helps covers administration costs such as starting a new chart, insurance estimation, and many items that are time-intensive and unique to Birth Center care. We want to stay profitable so we can continue to provide individualized care.
First-time Birthing Parent(s) or Parent(s)who have had a previous birth with an epidural, our required to participate in our comprehensive Evidenced Based Birth class provided by the Birth Center. This empowering hybrid class will give you all the tools you need to succeed, including a spiral bound workbook. The $300 class fee is collected with the registration fee at time of enrolling in Birth Center care.
Empowered Birth class in the 3rd trimester. This class discusses what birth can look like if it involves a hospital transfer and covers all of the initial postpartum and newborn details that are important to know in your first 24-48 hours at home. This is an alternative class for birthing parent(s) who have already experienced birth and are looking for a refresher course. Cost is $150.
Education is a core component of the midwifery model of care and we value its importance to successful outcomes.
Do you do Vaginal Births After Cesarean (VBAC’s)?
We value the current evidence that supports VBAC’s and our clients informed choice to a trial of labor after a cesarean section. We know that finding support for vaginal birth following a cesarean section can be challenging. The midwifery model of care, in an empowering, supportive environment, can certainly be the key to success. Regulations allow us to facilitate Vbacs following one cesarean only. Please check with us on for more information regarding our options for VBAC services and eligibility.
When do you start seeing clients for prenatal visits? How late in pregnancy can I transfer my care to the Birth Center?
Generally we like to start seeing our clients for their first prenatal visit around 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. We accept clients transferring their care from another provider up to 32 weeks of pregnancy once client portal and medical records are received. Beyond 32 weeks gestation we will consider a transfer of care from another provider/office on a case-by-case basis.
How often will I be seen for prenatal appointments?
Early ultrasound and risk assessment at 8-12 weeks gestation.
Then every 4 weeks until 32 weeks gestation.
Every 2 weeks until 38 weeks gestation and then weekly thereafter.
At 41 weeks gestation we see you twice if not yet delivered.
Do you do labs and Ultrasounds at the Birth Center?
Yes the Birth Center of Bloomington-Normal offers ultrasound and lab services for our clients. These services are provided here at the center.
What options are available for pain control?
Midwives are committed and experienced in supporting a laboring woman. The Birth Center offers a wide variety of non-pharmaceutical methods to encourage labor progress and enhance a mother’s ability to relax and find comfort. This low-intervention approach is one of the things that enable birth centers to deliver such great outcomes to their families including much lower c-section rates. Evidence shows that unnecessary interventions (such as epidurals, continuous fetal monitoring, and the restriction of the mother’s movements) increase risks and c-section rates. During labor, our clients utilize:
physical and emotional support from trusted birth companions
aromatherapy and other homeopathic pain-relief methods
showers and birthing tubs of warm water to block pain receptors and are deeply relaxing for the laboring woman
massage and counter-pressure
one-on-one care from their midwife and her assistant
the ability to move around, walk and get into any position that feels comfortable
birth balls and peanut balls
Privacy in a peaceful environment.
Professional labor support, such as hiring a birth doula.
Nitrous Oxide
How often will I be seen during the Postpartum Period?
Birth Parent and Baby 24-48 hours postpartum.
Birth Parent and Baby at 2 weeks postpartum.
Birth Parent focused visit at 6 weeks.
We also have a board certified lactation consultant on staff that will assess breast/chest feeding and any concerns postpartum as needed.
What are the benefits of water birth?
Water birth helps to facilitate mobility and enables the birthing individual to assume any position they deem comfortable for labor and birth. It helps to provide pain relief, reducing the need for medications. Laboring in the water helps to conserve energy and promote relaxation. Water birth helps to reduce or minimize perineal tearing. Research shows people who have had water births report higher levels of satisfaction with pain relief than those who give birth on land.
What is Nitrous Oxide and is it safe to use?
Nitrous oxide is commonly called “laughing gas” such as that used in dental procedures. The nitrous oxide is blended with oxygen using special equipment at a lower concentration than used in dental procedures. It is self administered by inhalation through a mask allowing for you to decide when and how much nitrous oxide is needed for desired effects. You start to breathe in the gas mixture about 30-45 seconds before a contraction begins so that the maximum effects occur during the strongest part or peak of the contraction. Nitrous oxide provides similar pain relief as injectable opioids but with fewer side effects for the birthing individual and baby. It is the only pain relief method used for laboring individuals that is cleared from your body via your lungs. Once the mask is pulled away from your face the gas is cleared from your system within a few breaths. Research has not been shown to increase the risk of bad health outcomes for baby and studies have not found a difference in Apgar scores between babies born to birthing persons who use nitrous oxide vs. those who had no pain medication at all. It is a great tool to create a sense of relaxation and ease anxiety during the labor process.
What happens if there is an Emergency?
The Birth Center is equipped with medication and equipment to manage complications or emergencies that may arise during or after your birth. Each staff member present at your delivery is Neonatal Resuscitation and CPR certified. If a complication or emergency should occur we act quickly to assess and stabilize the situation.
The Birth Center of Bloomington-Normal has a relationship with our local EMS in the event a client or newborn transport is indicated.
Our building has a private entrance near the birthing suites (away from the main entrance) for EMS to enter the building and assist our clients in a private, expedient manner.
OSF St. Joseph and Carle Bromenn are our dedicated transfer partners located just minutes away from the Birth Center.
We value our relationship with our EMS and our local hospitals by conducting regularly scheduled “real-time” medical emergency drills with mock situations.
If staffing at the Birth Center allows one of our Birth Assistants or Certified Nurse Midwives will transport to the hospital with the client. Upon arriving in labor and delivery one of our collaborating obstetricians will then assume care.
Client safety is a priority at the Birth Center and we are continuously reviewing our policies to make sure our families receive the best care possible.
Do you take health insurance?
We are contracted with many insurance companies.
Book a call to get all of your questions answered
If you are wanting more information before filling out the new client inquiry form and are unable to book an in-person tour, schedule a call with our Outreach Coordinator to have all your questions answered.